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HORIZONT-ranking of the largest design agencies: wirDesign in 7th place

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Slight growth despite corona crisis e

We are very pleased about our 7th place in the current HORIZONT ranking. Compared to the previous year, we were able to improve by a whole 4 places and even slightly increase our turnover and keep our number of employees stable despite the crisis.

By way of comparison: According to HORIZONT, 60 percent of the top agencies complain about a drop in turnover. On average, the 25 largest German design agencies report losses of more than 11 percent in their business fields of corporate design and corporate identity and a decline in the total number of employees by 11 percent as well.


»The best strategy for the next crisis is to invest in a resilient brand and in relationships with people. They are looking for security, attitude, shareable value - and strong brands deliver all of that. We have seen in recent years that the power of the brand can secure not only the price premium, but the very survival of the company.«

Dirk Huesmann, CEO of wirDesign


A big thank you to our customers and the whole team!

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Anita Lüder-Bugiel

Anita Lüder-Bugiel

Corporate Communications